Good bathroom cabinetry must be attractive and functional, while being easy to keep clean and able to cope with a very moist environment. JASPER designs custom cabinetry for bathrooms that is designed and manufactured to suit your space and needs.
- Identify the number of people using the vanity at peak times so your well designed bathroom cabinetry can help to reduce potential conflict with demands on the space.
- Look at different bathroom renovation ideas in magazines and on Pinterest to see what type of look appeals to you for bathroom vanities.
- Open towel storage cabinets can be an attractive feature.
- Modern bathroom vanities are often wall hung. This may not work for all bathroom cabinetry due to the plumbing.
- Bathroom basins come in many shapes and sizes and your custom bathroom cabinetry can be designed to accommodate different styles of basins.
- Plumbing pipes need to be allowed for in the cabinets. Drawer units under bathroom basins can make it difficult for plumbers.
- Space can be limited in bathrooms and custom cabinetry can be designed to accommodate your room with narrow cabinets.
- Cabinets should be made of high moisture resistant board.
- Door and bench top finishes in custom cabinetry can be selected from the wide range of materials and colours available.
Contact JASPER to make an appointment to come into our showroom and let us guide you through the design of custom-made bathroom cabinets to create your new and very special bathroom space.